Despite the torrential rain, odd flashes of lightning and rumbles of thunder nearly all those booked on our first “summer” trip of the year braved the elements. After a slightly soggy sit down for tea and cake, in the hope conditions would improve, we set off around the beautiful grounds of Broughton Grange. It is a garden with plenty of interest at whatever time of year and whatever the weather with its walled garden (designed by Tom Stuart-Smith), topiary, stumpery and arboretum, but it was sad to see the decimated box hedging in the parterres, especially for those of us who had visited before. Lots of other interest though, with the blue Camassia contrasting against the zingy lime green Euphorbias, some gigantic pink Bergenias in flower around the fountain and lots of spring colour from Acers plus some great art work dotted about.
As always thank you to Fiona for being our Club Photographer. For those of you who missed this visit we still have visits in June and July and if you’d like to go to Broughton Grange it is open regularly to the public on most Wednesdays throughout the summer.